Veneers are capable of concealing an array of cosmetic dental flaws quickly and permanently. Therefore, a Hollywood smile is easily attainable with veneers from Dr. Connie Feng at Twin Leaf Dentistry. Here is more about this treatment and the aesthetic enhancement it offers.
How Frequently Should You Visit the Dentist?
According to recommendations from the American Dental Association, patients should generally visit the dentist at least twice per year. However, some patients may require check-ups more or less often depending on their individual risk factors. A look at the factors involved may help clarify how often you should visit our office.
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8 New Year's habits for 2018 from your dentist in Holly Springs
Christmas has gone, and it is now time to welcome the new year 2018 with open arms. This means one thing to many people: New Year's Resolutions. What do you want to be better in 2018? Your health? Your appearance? Why not improve both by taking better care of your teeth? These 8 healthy habits from your dentist in Holly Springs at Twin Leaf Dentistry can dramatically improve the look of your smile while making it healthier than ever!
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Top 5 Thanksgiving Dental Tips
Happy Thanksgiving! This holiday is a time to catch up with family members, consider all you have to be grateful for in your life, and eat an excellent feast of foods. However, this celebration is no time to slack on your dental care! Having to deal with a filling would really put a damper on the rest of the holiday season. To help you have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving, we’ve compiled these five tips:
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Brushing Your Teeth Too Soon After a Meal
Tooth brushing is essential for good oral health, but it must be timed correctly to avoid actually contributing to dental damage. It may seem that brushing after meals would be optimal to prevent food particles from staying around to feed bacteria. In reality, brushing immediately after eating can damage the teeth directly and pave the way to future decay.